Astrology is an age-old science that helps astrologers predict the future for people based on their birth charts and planetary positions. there are certain astrological remedies that may be prescribed as an effort to avoid any foreseen problems. These astrological remedies may be suggested by astrologers after an in-depth study of a person's birth chart or after psychic readings.

In Vedic astrology, the technology is a matter of processes, which initiates a strong motivation harnesses our internal energies towards improvement of our relationships with the cosmos and the cosmic forces within us. It employs intangible factors and subtle forces around us - like gems, colors, sound, shapes & visual effects; besides elaborate and principled recommendations for diets & lifestyles. Adoption of these recommended practices as outlined by the ancient sages, helps a person change his/her live and can aim to truly become the master of his/her own destiny. This is the essence of Vedic Astrological remedy.
Making a prognosis on the elements of challenges and problems being faced by an Individual and recommending a remedy for the same is a rather complex process involving theory, practice and experience. We accept this process naturally and involuntarily, when we submit ourselves to a doctor - given his specialty skills and training.

The process of identification of an astrological remedy is largely a similar, complex process that calls for specialty skills & training from an astrologer. The optimum astrological remedies can only be suggested by a competent and experienced astrologer, who must also be spiritually inclined. The recommendations must be based on pure spirit of healing and he/she must not be motivated by any personal greed or profit.
The Vedic night observers divided the circle of the sky into 27 sections. These divisions, separate from the Zodiac Signs, were used in ancient times to mark the movement of planets, especially the Moon against the main star groups that were located in or around those 27 sky sections.

The core understanding of personality and behavior is derived from the Horoscope Chart/ Birth Chart but is supplemented by a finer understanding of the Moon's effects given by the Nakshatras or Moon signs. The Nakshatras are often identified relative to their position within the Horoscope Chart- as sub-constellations within the 12 signs of the Solar Zodiac.

Horoscope chart can be in a way said to be the image of yourself. Your Horoscope Chart is drawn from calculations based upon the date, time, and place of your birth. Your birth details are the most important factor in Vedic astrology. An astrologer analyzes this horoscope chart and examines the patterns and factors which describe your personality and needs.