
Venus Planet is mainly associated with family life, taste and business/livelihood. The benevolent influence of Venus favours accumulation of wealth, jewellery, landed properties, happy home life, success in business and occupations, controlling obesity and fatness.

Favourite Colour:Light Blue, White
Favourite Day:Friday

The ill effects of Venus can be minimized and the good effects can be increased according to Indian mythology by doing the following tasks. Any or all of these, one can select as per one's convenience.
  • Giving away in charity on any Friday, the light blue cloth, rice and Mishri (Sugar Crystals) to the poor is considered to minimize the ill effects of Venus and add the favour of the planet.
  • White horse donated in charity is also remedial measure to combat the ill effects of Venus.
  • Using white or light blue coloured clothes on Fridays may go to please the Venus Planet.
  • Bathing the idol of Lakshmi with Milk, Honey, Ghee (Butter Oil), Curd, Sugar - Together called Panchamrit will please Venus Planet because, She i.e. Goddess Lakshmi is the Lord of Venus.
  • Worshiping Goddess Lakshmi with white flowers and sandalwood paste (Tilak) regularly will appease Venus.
Venus is feminine and gentle. An embodiment of love, he is a benefic planet and governs the refined attributes, romance, beauty, sensuality, passion, sexual pleasure, marriage, love matters, comforts, luxuries, jewelry, wealth, prosperity, art, music, dance, theater, actors, poets, musicians, the season of spring, rains and aquatic creatures. In the body he rules over the reproductive system, eyes, throat, chin, cheeks, and kidneys.
Mercury and Saturn are its friends and the Sun and Moon are its enemies. Mars and Jupiter are neutral in friendship to Venus even though Venus considers Jupiter its enemy. Taurus and Libra are the zodiacal signs whom Venus rules, and Venus gives good results when placed in theses signs.
When rightly aspected Venus is strong, and it brings wealth, comfort, attraction to the opposite sex in the early part of life, a well-proportioned body, and the attractive features necessary for a sensuous nature. It makes its natives tender, gentle, and considerate; lovers of jewelry, sour (pungent) taste, white dress, decoration, perfume, tasty food, and the fine arts. It inspires them to be poets, musicians, and seekers of truth and knowledge (secret sciences). The native loves the company of the members of the opposite sex, artists, and musicians.